Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Online Privacy

    In the first video it talked about things like electronic tattoos. Pictures of your face, pictures of you with people and anything on the internet. It will always be there, he says something interesting like, "maybe we are that closer to immortality." I think this should resonate with everyone. Specifically because we as people usually post things online or are included in pictures or activities online. As well as cameras all over taking pictures and videos of us as well. this is very important nowadays, because we are always being watched no matter what we do. We are no longer private citizens with all the technology being put out to watch and record what we do and how we do it.

    The government is one of the biggest supporters of surveillance and watching people. I think that changes need to be with made with them and that is the issue. Although, if they were doing their job correctly they would crack down on the usage of these websites, apps and footage and prevent them from being leaked all over the world. Also prevent the private companies from gaining all these peoples valuable information. 

    I believe laws should be put in place to make sure that there are no extra or unneeded footage of people. If their is any information that is not absolutely necessary to a website, app or the law enforcement, it should be destroyed to prevent people from gaining that information. It should also be destroyed incase other countries gain this information and use it against us. I think there are already cases of this happening and apps that were created on the app store. I also believe the least social media and the least things you accept online will genuinely help you. It will prevent companies from gaining unnecessary information and selling it to other companies. I think steps just need to be put in place to make sure everyone is more safe. Over time and over the years the websites and companies gaining money off information have only grown stronger and developed new ways to do so. 

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