Monday, September 18, 2023

History of Supreme Court

     I learned that in many cases lower courts may not have gotten the right ruling or someone just does not like the ruling, therefore it has to be sent to the Supreme Court to go through and decide if it will go to a higher court or if the ruling was correct to begin with. I did not know that there were stages to the process or cases getting through lower courts all the way until the Supreme Court. Obviously, I know that there had to be some type of procedure, I did not know that most of the time the cases are read all the way through and genuinely checked out before giving a decision on if it should be sent up or kept the way it is. 

    The supreme court balances power of the states, congress and the President, telling them what they can and can not do. I feel like without this the government and the country would have fallen apart a long time ago. I think the balancing of powers by the Supreme Court is single handedly the most important thing. Yes, they take the most important matters into their own hands, but the biggest most important issues fall right into the laps of the Supreme Courts Justices. Without this basic balance then one section of government will find ways to gain more power and overcome the restrictions that are being held upon them. 

    One of the most surprising things I heard was the sheer amount of cases that are sent to the Supreme Court. I know that they are very powerful and one of the most powerful courts in the world. I assumed that they would have less cases and more time to go over them and get the exact response to each and every one. Although by doing so they would weave out the cases that should not be brought to court and that should not be wasting time of the most powerful court in the world. I also found it surprising that most of the cases sent to the Supreme Court are about how lower courts may have gotten the ruling wrong, and that not a lot of those cases ever even see the Justices. I also did not know how many people were working hand in hand with the Justices to make sure everything goes as plan and they follow the right procedures as well as just helping out in general. 

    The video definitely made me feel like there was something that I could put my faith into. In hopes that someone and somebody is always doing the right thing to keep everyone else in the country safe. It was abundantly clear that the Justices had their own work and wanted to get it done to the best of their ability, no matter what it was. Although there were also things in the video's that made me feel uneasy. Like if a President was to appoint a Justice, then the Justice is available to serve the court way after the President has left office. Making it kind of seem like there will always be a bit of that President still in office. I feel a sense of understanding and hope for the Supreme Court all in all.

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