Saturday, December 9, 2023

Technology (Final Post)

    I do not think technology is healthy. Back in the day there were a lot more physically and mentally healthy people. I think it 100% makes life easier but we do not need it to survive. I believe we were doing just fine beforehand. Although I know nothing will change going backwards, the things that do need to change is how we use technology in the future. Cyberbullying, hacking, and porn are three huge problem in the world today. You could probable pin point others or rearrange them, but in general that's what we deal with. People steal information, hurt people and expose people, all things that can be and should be prevented over time. I think that these are some of the worst things possible and technology is the factor, as well as all the new technology coming out. I believe focusing on safety and privacy should be the focus, not seeing how many people can see how well your doing. 
    I do not see technology as taking up time in my life, I say that most of my life revolves around technology. I would consider it more of a tool than it is to be a getaway. Yes people use it to escape reality, but in reality it is a tool that can be used in a lot of different ways to get what we want from ourselves or others. Technology is everywhere and it helps people with everything. The problem is, how open it is and how people can be impacted bad or good. Mentally technology puts a toll on everyone. From work, to school, to politics, technology is the focal point for a lot of things going on in the world right now. When it comes to social media, it is 100% taking up too much time of everyone's lives and it has definitely put long lasting effects on people.  
    Technology is the center of misleading information, one thing I grew up thinking was, "don't believe anything you see on the news." I knew that obviously there were some things I could trust. All in all everyone is trying to get you to think a different way, instead of thinking for yourself. I find that technology is how we get smarter as a race, although it is making us equally incompetent and dumb. As our technology gets smarter and easier to use, and things get easier in our lives. How do you think we will be impacted by easier lives? I guarantee we won't be walking around creating any billion dollar companies anymore. When it comes to what information you gain from technology, it is solely based on where you look and what you are looking at. Some things can't be understood online, they have to be seen in person. While other things can be said online and are well easy to believe. 
    Everyone should be worried about what technology will turn into in the future. We create and create until there is nothing to create anymore. When things like this happen, we tend to make things to good for their own good. AI, automobiles, cellphones etc. All things that keep getting better and better, but are they really? We say electric cars are good for the environment, yet there are factories all over the world doing worse things to create these lithium batteries than it is to burn fossil fuels. Quick alternatives also lead to long lasting bad outcomes. I worry about a lot of things that go on in the world, I think the rest of the world should be worried as well. It is accepted and is widely accepted, that's the problem.  

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Technology (Final Post)

    I do not think technology is healthy. Back in the day there were a lot more physically and mentally healthy people. I think it 100% mak...