Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Diffusion Theory Innovation

     The innovation that I believe really had an early impact on people through technology was YouTube. I remember as a kid I would always use YouTube to figure out solutions to problems, watch new things that came out, or watch influencers (Although that term wasn't used at the time). It definitely made an impact on my education, family and friends growing up. I remember having teachers use it to show the class lessons, my friends would use it to watch funny videos and we would talk about them in school. 

I think the earliest adopters of YouTube were little content creators and people posting compilations of videos of sports and other things of that nature. I also used to see a lot of people using the platform to play video games. They would post hours of gameplay of them talking and playing with friends. Overtime people starting streaming on YouTube. 

People loved and still love YouTube, it is easy to use and has a lot of useful information. I still constantly use it for entertainment and for information on things. I would believe that people adopted it slowly overtime, because most of what people wanted to watch, would be needed quickly and easily. YouTube provided that. I don't think there was a lot of hate for YouTube other than they did not pay very well. If anything I think that early adopters decided that they could make something better and eventually branched out to their own things like YouTube. Being Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, etc. 

    This is definitely another one of those websites where they track what you watch, and then show ads for similar things on your feed in the future. I do think that this is one of the most useful tools or the one I use the most. I think that YouTube has done a lot more good than bad. I do not find them making any situations where consequences were needed. They often have a strict reviewing process and most inappropriate videos get taken down pretty rapidly. 

    In this case I believe the positive definitely outweighs the negative, and the cost over time may be worse, but in real time I believe it is very useful. 


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