Thursday, October 19, 2023

EOTO Peer Presentation #2

     As a class I thought a lot of individual presentations were more interesting than the whole group. Although I think the first group had the most interesting as well as informing presentations as a whole. I think the propaganda and the disinformation ones were well put together and most importantly I think they are vital to society and how we go upon each and every day. 

    Whether that is false information or the government telling us one thing even though another is actually happening. There is usually a reason, it may not always be a good one or one that we agree with. When it comes to the project as a whole, I think that they went into depth very well and I believe that it was the most question raising presentation. I definitely found myself more engaged with this presentation than the others. 

    If we are talking specifically, I think that being aware, misinformation and disinformation, as well as propaganda all go together and create an aspect of people are out to get us, or the government is out to get us. When that is not the case. There will always be people trying to gain information for their own well-being, as well as people who want to keep everyone safe in the long-run. Sometimes there is a fine line about that and the people who should cross it. 

    When it comes to being aware, I think it is necessary to know all the facts before jumping to conclusions. When it comes to the government, you never really know what is the truth. You have to do your own research and find out the best options for you. Not everyone is going to tell you the right thing or the best thing for you. That is for you to decide and that is where being aware comes in. That also ties into things like propaganda and disinformation, because everyone is trying to get you to think a certain way for a certain reason. It is again your decision to make up your mind for yourself. Do not look at things one way, but look at them from all different points of view.

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