Monday, September 18, 2023

The Television

The Television was created by a series of inventors and engineers who were initially doing other experiments, but ended up finding new waves, frequencies and sequences varying on type of metals and types of radiation being exposed at the time. Joseph May realized in in 1872 that selenium wire was very prone to sending different electrical conducts than other metals at the time period. In 1880 a French engineer, by the name of Maurice Leblanc, published an article in which formed the basis for television.

    It was proposed that a scanning mechanism take the place as an active retina. In short terms, it means that there will be light bouncing back and forth to create and image portrayed on a screen. In which it transmits signals and other things through wires and into a screen to the audience. Although LeBlanc was never able to make his own working mechanism, soon after a German engineer took his basic models and ideas and created his own scanning disk. In which one revolution of the disk would consist of a full picture.

    Tv is constantly giving out information and news to the general public. We always know what is going on and usually in a timely manner. Television makes news and gaining information a lot easier but also allows there to be other mass broadcasting, such as TV shows, award shows, and movies. They are always on and being broadcasted to a series of people. After creating the television, from around the 1940s to 2000s, commercial television was a huge aspect. It changed the way people thought about things going on in the country, whether that was race, gender, pay, and class. It played a crucial role in shaping campaigns and increased American materialism overall. Besides from all these ways people have made money off of TV, there was also a huge boom in how people all over the world were treated. The American culture took off and people all over wanted to come to the U.S. even more. It allowed countries to be more in tune with their sports, things like the Olympics were huge. Also TV commercials, such as ads and other paid partnerships were becoming a massive thing in culture. It allowed people to see new products as soon as they came out as well as see things that they may need or make their life easier overall. 

    The biggest side effect of TV and broadcasting things to mass amounts of people were the actual people being picked and used in these films and other broadcasts. In the early days of television, the people airing on TV were predominantly white or Caucasian. The few minorities that were portrayed on TV were seen as stereotypes and usually generalized negatively. That being said it wasn't until later on towards the 2000s where minorities were dominating different aspects of TV and music and other things that were being used to portray information. Whether that was sports, news, communication and life in general. Things took a turn for the better and although life is not perfect there are always steps being taken in the right direction.

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