Monday, September 18, 2023

Peer Presentation

    I think that over time Motion Picture has became one of the most important things to people. Not always for the best reasons, but everyone wants to be like the people we see in movies.

Going hand and hand with my television presentation, my peer did their presentation on the History of the first Motion picture which I believe had a very big impact on life. 

The first motion picture was a mid-19th century design and it was a very new thing to a lot of people. They originally started photographing war time pictures and the things they documented began to coincide with what people wanted to see at home. They began making techniques and new inventions to view pictures in rapid movements to see moving picture. 

There were different examples all over the world of different experts making their own motion picture with multiple pictures moving fast. Leland Stanford and Eadweard Muybridge were one of the first. They ended up showcasing the photographs the following year in San Francisco. In Paris, Etienne-Jules Marey experimented with 12 pictures to create a moving object. 

    In 1933 The Crooked Circle was the first film to be broadcast on Television. This happened March 10th in Los Angeles. If you go back in time to how much motion picture has changed, how shows and movies have impacted us and the way we think about things. You understand that most of what we do is influenced by actors, celebrities and people that we have never met. After the creation of the television broadcasting and giving people shows or stories to think about or base their life upon became so big, this allowed so many people to make money and caused a lot of us to change our lives because of these inventions and what they show us.

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