Saturday, September 30, 2023

American Government & War

    I find it very interesting that these websites have been held from us. Being shown these couple websites has definitely made me wonder what else is being kept from the general public.

    For the it is very noticeable that there are links to other sources that are probably not well known sites, but they have a lot of information on the wars going on at the moment, as well as the wars that have gone on in the past. It explains all the news going on that is not really portrayed and it tells us about a lot of different countries, not just the problems going on in the United States, but all over the world. It also gives insight on how other people in the world see war and see the U.S. Diving into the Antiwar website it was very interesting seeing all the different things that are currently going on. I had no idea that countries in the middle east were constantly going at it with weapons, money and anything they can do to get the advantage. The thing that I was most intrigued to read about was the point of view of people who consider the Ukraine war to be a giant arms race. People on both sides making money on the same thing, so why would they stop the war? It feels like a lot of the points that were made were about how some countries profit and others crumble and how everything is done for power or advantage over others. 

    The constant wars going on in the world is something that we should know about and be apart of. Hiding it from the general public like the government does is not what we need. Some people might be mad or some people may not like the outcomes, but that is life and we are a lot better off nowadays than when the World Wars were going on in the 1900s. 

    The research I gathered from The American Conservative was that most of the writers were not well known, but their work was extremely well written and ties a lot of the things that the government keeps from us, and puts them all together for us to understand what is really going on behind the scenes of American politics. The interesting thing about this website, besides from the little knowledge I had beforehand, it seemed like there were arguments for both sides. It was very well explained and allowed the reader to make their own decision based on what they thought.

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