Saturday, September 9, 2023

Values of Free Expression

    Freedom of Speech and other freedoms of expression were big topics when creating the constitution. If they were not important then there would be no reason to include them and push for their rights. Although, they are important and lay down the basic points of the constitution.  

    I resonate with the 8th expression the most. While most of the expressions I can resonate with. I feel like protect dissent might be the most important to me and all people. For the most part, I think that being able to freely disagree with the government and the suspicious rules and regulations being passed and taken down is my most important. Expressions 4 and 5 are also very important for many reasons. #5, Check on Governmental Power or checks and balances are what keeps the government in line. Without checks and balances the government would surely fall and crumble, starting with one section of the government gaining too much power and then creating a system in which they control all the power. The leveraging of the branches of government has been used forever making sure not one side gains too much power and or pushes a law that would do the same.

    For expression #4, Individual Self-Fulfillment it speaks upon free speech and how every individual has their own life and can use freedom of speech to express themselves and who they want to be. This is definitely my most personal expression. I feel like everyone has something they want to say or someone that they want to be. The expression that allows us to be ourselves is 100% important and for someone that feels like they have a lot of creative ideas, it makes it a lot easier to be able to talk about them and have people see from a different point of view. Without this big factor, we would find ourselves all being the same, not being able to express anything. We would all search for the same goals and not aspire to be different. 


This brings me into #6. Promote Tolerance. It mentioned how the freedom of speech also allows there to be upsetting or intolerable expressions which allow us to grow. Without the intolerable we wouldn't learn how to be tolerable. It may seem counter-intuitive but it teaches us to be a more tolerable society. This is the most used expression in society I believe. There is always something going on where another person doesn't like what they are saying. Learning to grow up and disregard the not important things is very important. In the world right now there will always be something someone doesn't like being said. Growing from these intolerable expressions makes everyone grow as a community and a country. Without going down there is no way to go up. I think that these four expressions are the most important. Without a doubt every expression has it's own important distinction on why it could or may be more important than what I gathered. Although I feel like these are for the people. They resonate with me the most because I can see these being integrated in my life over time. Nowadays with technology and a computer in your pocket it is a lot more difficult to go unnoticed and or not make a name for yourself if you speak up. 

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