Thursday, October 19, 2023

Artificial Intelligence

     A.I. is going to change the world, it already has. Every step people take further and further in technology, it is a step closer to a world that's easier, but that may cause some problems.


Already A.I. has taken a huge toll. In the future it will be at every corner of every company to make them more efficient. To be more efficient, you need to eliminate the variables that cause hardship, in this case it's us, humans.

    There are things that A.I. has made a bad impact on as well, like equality in the workplace and how the economic benefits are distributed. The wealthy get wealthier and the poor get more poor and A.I. is going to make that gap very vast. This is one of the long time cons of A.I. In the same category of cons of A.I. it is one of those things that will continue to grow and grow until it is uncontrollably powerful, just like how militaries are and oil companies. They use their tools to get richer and more powerful while pushing everyone away to get there.

    One thing I thought was interesting was the quote, "we thought we were using the internet, but did not know the internet was using us." This being said, they also talk about all the data that comes off people. Every action we do and the decisions we make create data that the internet, apps and companies use to make the world more fitted towards each individual. 

    Privacy and national security are all in our heads. Everything we do and everything other countries do is well-known by the government. The government takes tabs on every person and what they do. No matter who you are and what you may symbolize. There are huge pros and cons, being you don't know who has what information and if it may get into the wrong hands. When it comes to national security, it is very interesting. If you think the government has a huge amount of information on you? Then you could only imagine the things they keep tabs on all over the world. They say it is for our safety but in reality it is for their own. 

    I think that there should be regulations about how much information and data is gathered. Although tech keeps on building and evolving for the good, it may not always stay good. Over time there will be more cons and more problems with technology. It is definitely scary the companies we trust and put faith into are constantly gathering info and selling it. It is also scary the sheer amount of information that is being gathered and consumed by companies and people who make money off of our decisions.

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